Sikhs, followers of Sikhism which originated in Punjab five hundred years ago. Since then, they’ve struggled, fought for justice, and remained fearless. Some Gurus sacrificed themselves to protect their people and faith and even other faiths. In fact, the tenth Guru sacrificed his sons and bid part to his family to protect the faith. During the British rule, Sikhs fought as warriors fighting for rightful independence, freedom, and humanity.
However, 9/11 attacks which will never be forgotten has been impacting the lives of those who are innocent throughout the whole attack. In fact, after those attacks, a male Sodhi was attacked because of his turban and beard, misjudged as a Muslim. If there was a lot of knowledge and understanding, perhaps people would understand that Sikhs differ from Muslims; and those who attacked aren’t practicing Islam.
Sikhs stand for justice, liberty, and freedom for all. They’re present to protect and lead the way. In fact, the turban means someone who’s trustworthy, honest, and fearless. So, if one wears one they follow these values. This painting which was inspired by @Inquisitive’s piece, “Educate Yourself.” It’s very obvious that the turban, 9/11 scene with the twin towers is a replication. However, the one touch I added which encompasses my capstone is the culmination of the United States of America flag and the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh flag. The symbol in the middle is the Khanda (a double-edged sword). It stands for one’s belief in one God. The Chakkar, circle element, replied that God is without a beginning or ending. The two swords represent authority and political power.
Sikhs in America, and across the globe, deserve the respect that another group of people get regardless of their faith and color. In fact, no one deserves that disrespect. So, “United, and Divided” means that despite understanding flowing, people are divided because they fail to see the American side of Sikh who follows Hollywood, Games of Throne, etc. Let’s all lead with love, respect, understanding, and open to knowledge.