What is this?
Last year, there was a large national Sikh campaign going around the United States. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness of Sikhs. Most often, they're misunderstood by the mass and under-taught, if at all, by public schools. Moreover, the Sikh turban (which is why most people are targeted) is not just a headgear, but our greatest pride. And, I would like my community to know the difference. I am not throwing my Muslim friends under the bus, but just bringing out a reality that is much needed.
As a Sikh myself, being inspired by the campaign developed a better understanding of the Sikh community in my community, to project the positive image and profile of the Sikh community.
I created a small, about twenty to twenty-five minute, presentation that brought awareness to my community about Sikhs. I presented to all my school and St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. After, my presentations to leave the message behind, I recreated a painting that portrays the same message. I've added my own elements, but the base of the painting, I take no credit for. Besides a painting, I created a website set-up as a presentation style to those interested in Sikhs.
After months on this capstone, I'm so proud to finish. It didn't end like my initial hope, but I still completed all of my goals. I grew as a public speaker by speaking in front of a large audience and spread awareness on Sikhs.